So what exactly is ethics?
When it comes business, it is a morally sound approach to creating. It honours the efforts of every person who is a part of production, from sourcing fair-trade shea butter in Ghana to sustainably sourcing organic ingredients + more. Ethics reflects on humans + their interaction with nature, others, freedom, responsibility + justice.

Ethical brands are those that have a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to social and environmental issues. They strive to be transparent in their sourcing, manufacturing and distribution, as well as their supply chain management. They also look for ways to contribute back to society by helping out disadvantaged communities or supporting charities.

There are many factors that consumers consider when purchasing from an ethical brand. These include:
Transparency - how open is the company about its practices? What steps does it take to ensure customers know what's going on behind the scenes?
Sustainability - how does the business manage waste and pollution in its production processes? Does it use renewable energy sources? Is there a recycling program in place?
Fairtrade - does the business pay fair wages to its employees? Does it work with local suppliers who pay fair wages?
Animal welfare - does the company follow strict animal welfare rules in its manufacturing processes? Does it test products on animals or sell products that have been tested on animals elsewhere (such as China)?

When you shop ethically, your purchase goes further. It supports women in third world countries who are breaking the confines of economic hardships, you're supporting local handcrafters who reinvest your money into the local community, you're also supporting a movement towards a greener world, without cruelty, deforestation, or unnecessary waste.
When you support businesses like ours, you are doing so much for our community as a whole. Pink Posh Fox is ethically sourced from raw ingredient to finished product. We purchase only organic + fair trade ingredients that are cruelty-free, vegan + palm oil free. We also donate proceeds towards youth + mental health resources to give back to our community. We stand by our ethically sourced, cruelty free, fair trade + transparency values at all costs.